July 2011

A very good Yorkshire Open Hat Throwing Championship

Ian Wilkins is the Yorkshire Open Hat Throwing Champion, with a score of 400 from 600. He was also the first hat on pole top and the only one to score with all three indoor throws.

Second was Richard Adambrooke with 300.

Third was Paul Holmes with 250. This was with 3 tickets, but seeing he paid for all three he gets special praise.

Amy got 220 and was the Children’s award winner. George and, especially, Ashley both got children awards for trying.
Most stylishly throw was by Imon, who threw her hat behind her head and onto the cross piece.

An excellent day all round for me and Seeing Hands Nepal. Thanks to the Midland for the hatstand, all those who supported it, Daragh Corcoran for the mentions of Radio Leeds, and special thanks to Bev, the best Hat Check Girl a man could have.

sunny morning, tickets and certificates printed, Bev ready and hat-pole polished. See all you hat throwers at Ilkley

On this date last month I held my dad’s hand and watched him die. I am glad I did.

Went to Ilkley yesterday to pose for photos for the Ilkley Gazette (taken by a very young lass called Lucy Ray. The story appeared today.Ilkley Gazette covers Hat Throwing

Bev stayed with me last night, and showed almost zero annoyance or jealousy when her cat followed me around the house and chose to sit on me; and she hardly ever went on about bribery; perfectly understanding that I just happened to cook too much chicken and so had spare to share with guests, including old cats.

I’d throw my cap into the air

And my hat into the ring

If you would make a pair

And stand with me and sing

To be sure

I love you more

Than any crown can bring

Glyn Watkins, written in the 15 minutes before appearing on Joe Ogden’s BCB Act Now show
Dedicated to Bev Wright

I once had a girlfriend baht ‘at
Who caught a cold that laid her quite flat
Now she’s worms clear to the bone
And I scoff duck alone
And there’s nowt I can do about that!

Glyn Watkins, written in the hour before appearing on ACT Now

I did a first aid course, fussed over a cat, and appeared on radio on Joe Ogden’s Act Now show on BCB.

I did two poems for the show, about hat throwing. They will follow.

I have a cat living with me for the first time in many years, since Emmy died. He is Ziggy, Bev’s oldest. She is having woodworm treatment and cannot have her cats in the house for 48 hours after it is done. She tooker the younger cat, Charlie to the vets for cat flu jabs but did not want to take Ziggy because of his age, and without jabs no cattery would take him.

We all shared a taxi to the cattery, where Bev got out with the moaning Charlie, then me and Ziggy carried on to my place. He slept in the taxi and most of the time since arriving. I fed him chicken and generally made him purr.

This is the most normal weekend we have had for months; and the least stress for me..

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